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Synopsis: WIDA ELD Standards Framework 2020


WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards Framework, 2020 Edition (Link)



  • Equity of Opportunity and Access

  • Integration of Content and Language

  • Collaboration among Stakeholders

  •  Functional Approach to Language Development


  • WIDA ELD Standards Statements

  • Key Language Uses

    • NARRATE highlights language to convey real or imaginary experiences through stories and histories. Narratives serve many purposes, including to instruct, entertain, teach, or support argumentation.

    • INFORM highlights language to provide factual information. As students convey information, they define, describe, compare, contrast, organize, categorize, or classify concepts, ideas, or phenomena.

    • EXPLAIN highlights language to give an account for how things work or why things happen. As students explain, they substantiate the inner workings of natural, man-made, and social phenomena.

    • ARGUE highlights language to justify claims using evidence and reasoning. Argue can be used to advance or defend an idea or solution, change the audience’s point of view, bring about action, or accept a position or evaluation of an issue.

  • Language Expectations

  • Proficiency Level Descriptors

    • “Proficiency Level Descriptors (PLDs) are a detailed articulation of multilingual learners’ growth in interpretive and expressive language across levels of English language proficiency...Proficiency Level Descriptors describe how multilingual learners might develop language across levels of English language proficiency as they move toward meeting Language Expectations.”


  • ELD Standards are broken down in grade-level bands: Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grades 2-3, Grades 4-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12.

  • For each of the 5 ELD Standards, it provides language expectations for each of the four key uses: narrate, inform, explain, and argue.

  • For ELD Standards 2-5, for each key use, it provides language functions and sample language features.

  • For each grade-level band, there is also a chart that represents how key uses are distributed in the grade-level. See sample:


  • Collaboration Considerations:

    • The ELD Standards Framework is inclusive: multilingual learners can enter at many different points and follow unique, individual language learning pathways

    • The ELD Standards Framework does not prescribe a specific curriculum, pedagogy, or teaching methodology.

    • The ELD Standards Framework can be used in flexible ways to ensure that all multilingual learners are engaged in processes for making meaning across classrooms.

    • This sample collaborative planning process starts once educators have identified a well designed, content-rich curricular unit of study.

    • This sample collaborative planning process is intended to help educators define a unit’s language development goals alongside the unit’s academic content goals.



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